Guantanamera Cristales Single Cigar
Guantanamera Cristales Cigars are a rarity, a machine-made Cuban cigar. The cigars are lighter in style and are made with 100% Cuban short filler tobacco from the lesser Vuelta Arriba region. Guantanamera was the first new Cuban brand of cigars of the 21st century, launching in 2002, and was inspired by the island€™s music and fiestas, suitably taking its name from the famous Cuban song composed by JoseÃto Fernández. All three sizes in the Guantanamera range are machine made, these are the only machine made Cuban cigars apart from the Cuban minis and Cuban shorts.
These are quite a lengthy cigar at just under 6 inches and can be categorised as a Long Corona. Perfect for a beginner or anyone who likes a very mild and light bodied cigar. A very affordable Cuban cigar, great for weddings or a crowd which will smoke for 40+ minutes. These cigars encapsulate the very essence of Cuba with their authentic rich flavours and aromas and represent great value for money.
Presented in a clear plastic tube, Guantanamera cigars have pre-cut heads, a cigar cutter is not required.
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